Driver’s Licence Renewal

Driver’s Licence Renewal Facts

  • Driver’s licences are valid for one to five years depending on the licence class, your medical status and your age.
  • The expiry date is your birthday but you need to renew before it occurs.
  • Medical conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy or heart conditions require you to have a medical screening from your family doctor prior to getting your driver’s licence renewed.
  • Certain classes of drivers’ licences also require a medical screening. Be sure to leave enough time to obtain this prior to renewing your licence.
  • Drivers’ licences must be renewed in person.
  • The cost to renew can be found on most Alberta Registry websites.
  • You can renew your licence much earlier than the expiry date if:
  • You’re planning a vacation or if other life events will make it difficult for you to renew your card when it expires.
  • You’re moving. Renewing early will save you the extra change of address fee and will extend the term of your licence.
  • The ticket for driving without a valid license can result in fines of several hundred dollars.

Vehicle Registration Renewal Facts

  • Your vehicle registration will expire on an assigned month based on your surname.
  • The ticket for driving without a valid vehicle registration can result in fines that cost several hundred dollars.

Driver Licence Renewal

If you are driving with an expired driver’s licence, you are taking unnecessary risks.

It is illegal to drive with a suspended or invalid licence. Employees who are required to have a provincial driver’s licence to fulfill their role, and fail to keep it valid, will face discipline. Depending on the situation, discipline can range from a letter of warning up to and including termination from The City.

We strongly encourage you to check the expiry date on your driver’s licence today, sign up for a reminder service, and make a plan to renew on time.

The consequences of having an invalid driver’s licence:

Driving without a valid licence, knowingly or unknowingly, puts The City at risk. We are collectively accountable for mitigating risks by ensuring we all follow the rules.

How is The City at risk?

  • Alberta insurance policies exclude coverage of any person driving a vehicle that is not qualified or authorized by law. This means that if an employee drove without a valid licence and was involved in a collision, The City could be responsible for claim costs associated with the incident.
  • If an accident occurs while driving a personal vehicle for City business, the injured party could sue both the employee involved and The City.
  • Police can impound a vehicle if the driver has an invalid licence and The City can incur charges to get the City vehicle out.
  • The City is considered a commercial carrier and falls under the provincial carrier profile. Employees with invalid licences can have a negative impact on that profile, resulting in audits and/or other repercussions.
  • The City’s reputation could be at risk if its employees are found to be driving without valid driver’s licences.
  • As always, the specific circumstances of each case needs to be considered. Always contact your HR Business Partner or Labour Relations for assistance in dealing with these types of issues.